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Seminars and Events of
Ki Society USA and Ki Society International

For Seminars with Kashiwaya Sensei, please check his teaching schedule.

Year 2023

Eastern Ki Federation Seminar
with David Shaner Sensei
Hosted by South Carolina Ki-Aikido and
   Furman University's Ki-Aikido Club

Friday July 7 - Sunday July 9, 2023
South Carolina Ki-Aikido and Furman University's Ki-Aikido Club are hosting a seminar with
David Shaner Sensei (8th Degree Black-Belt, EKF Chief Instructor)
Ki-Aikido "How to See" Seminar: Developing Authorized Examiners

with special guest participant Hideo Ohara Sensei, Shihan Instructor
7th Degree Black-Belt, Head Instructor of Seishinkan Dojo (Tokyo)

Download this PDF for details about this event.

Events Calendar of the Eastern Ki Federation

Events Calendar of the Northwest Ki Federation